Monday, February 15, 2016

BBAW Day 1: Introduction

Welcome!  I stumbled on a group of bloggers who celebrate Book Bloggers Appreciation Week and guess what, it starts today!  I jumped right on that bandwagon!  I LOVE to talk about books!

Be sure to check out other bloggers who love books.  Who knows, maybe we'll all add some new friends to our blog rolls!

Day 1 Introduce yourself by telling us about five books that represent you as a person or your interests/lifestyle.

(1)  Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice was the book started my obsession with reading as an adult.  I was about 13 or 14 and I skipped YA altogether and went from Goosebumps and Babysitters Club to Adult novels.  Through my teen years and early 20s I read most of Rice's vampire series and all of the Mayfair witches.

Only in my thirties did I learn that YA is actually an impressive genre and suddenly I wasn't too old to read those books.  Last year I found (2) Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke & Bone series and it  became one of my most favorite series ever.  I recommended this series to all readers.

Confession time:  I'm a total zombiephile.  I look forward to Walking Dead each week, Zombieland is my favorite movie and I have an ebook of Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide on my phone and Kindle, just in case.  After watching the movie, I had to check out (3)  Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.  While it's very different from the movie (as they almost always are), I loved the book and movie equally. I loved the prequel, The New Hunger, just as much and I'm very excited about the new installment coming later this year.  I'm hoping I can score an advanced copy somewhere, if you see one, snatch it up for me.  I don't keep many books because it's rare that I will reread them, but I own copies of both these books.

Being an Oklahoma girl and a fan of vampires, I naturally gravitated to PC Cast.  I must confess that I haven't actually read her House of Night series, which is what drew me to her in the first place, but I did read and love (4) Divine by Mistake.  I started the next in the series but got overwhelmed with my TBR pile and it got lost in the shuffle.  I've been told that I will love her Goddess series even more than this series and I hope to have a month or so of just PC Cast later this year.  We'll see how it goes...

A book that I have loved for years is (5) Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.  I've read this short book at various stages of my life and always see something different than the last time.  If you haven't read it as an adult, I strongly suggest it.  Read it to your kids, read it to your parents, read it to your grandparents.  Everyone read Alice!

Be sure to come back later this week and check out what's going on in BBAW and check out all the other wonderful book bloggers who are celebrating this week.  I would love to read your comments!  Let me know what's on your mind!


  1. I tried reading Interview with a Vampire years ago and it was way too creepy for me. You're brave!!

    1. I like creepy books. Vampires and zombies are some of my favorite characters.


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