Remember a few months ago when I told you how much I loved Warm Bodies? Well, I finally got to read the prequel and it did not disappoint! In this novella, we get a little bit of the background as to what is happening before Julie has settled in the stadium. What was life like after Life started to end? How did Nora and Julie and R get to where they were? On Isaac Marion's blog he talks about how he wrote the prequel second on purpose "because your knowledge of book 1 changes the way you read it". Boy was he right! If I had read The New Hunger first, I probably would have never read Warm Bodies because The New Hunger would have been a pretty depressing book. Equipped with my knowledge of the events of Warm Bodies, the prequel while sad at times, is full of hope.
Like I said with Warm Bodies, I love that Marion can spin together a beautiful story using words that aren't generally associated with beauty or happiness. With zombies being an 'in' thing right now, so many writers and television shows and movies want to see how much they can scare their audience or gross us out. It's refreshing that Marion adds so much humanity to his zombies while still maintaining that zombies aren't pretty or nice or somehow all good. Some zombies are good guys while so many are still the bad guys just like some of the people can be bad guys. I felt like he kept me on my toes and maintains a level of intensity and anxiety for the characters but without the gross factor. He tells a story and doesn't just try to scare the reader.
Needless to say, I'm still very excited to get the next books in this series and this is saying something! Do you know how many series I've started and never finished? I can't think of any series that I've finished. I had a tough time putting both of these books down. I don't keep many books on my own book shelf because I'm trying not to be a hoarder. I want to share books so I usually donate the books I buy to the library or pass them on to a friend, but these are books that I will have on my shelf in case I want to reread. Feel free to send me an ARC of the next book, otherwise I'll preorder from Amazon! Be sure to check out the author's website to stay up to date and check out a couple short stories here and here.
What should I read until The Burning World comes out in August?
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