Friday, January 8, 2016

Don't eat tacos before you plank

Remember when I mentioned my new trainer the other day?  Let me tell you about this trainer.  She is spunky and doesn't take "no" or "I'm too tired" or "I ate too many tacos" for an answer.  We committed to three 30 day challenges; squats, plank and wall sits.  My new trainer has told me that since I committed to doing these and got her involved in the process, I WILL see it through to the end.  She said her mother taught her that once she makes a commitment to a team or a class or a challenge whatever the thing is, she has to see it through to the end or else she will disappoint her team or her classmates or herself.  She was very serious, looked me straight in the eye and said, "We don't want to be a disappointment to ourselves, do we?"

Please excuse my messy bedroom.

That's right, my new trainer is the sassy girl I gave birth to about ten years ago.  She saw me doing my squats for day one of the challenge and was curious.  I suggested she do it with me and she happily agreed.  Who knew she was going to get so serious?!?  Tuesday night when we returned from her dance class, she reminded me that we needed to do day 2.  When I started with my excuses, she turned into a personal trainer and made sure that we both finished each task before she marked them off the list.  The silver lining here is this:

1)  She will likely make sure I finish something in January.
2)  The lessons I have been teaching her her whole life have sunk in and she has found a way to apply them to me.
3)  Maybe I'll lose a couple of those lbs I found in 2015.

Have you ever finished one of those squat challenges everyone posts on Facebook?


  1. hi
    how are U?
    nice blog
    ahmad from Luxor - Egypt

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm always happy to have nice new people read my random ramblings! I hope you enjoy!

  2. yes, very nice. And how are you?


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