Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Time to Declutter... Again

The company I work for is getting a new building this fall.  This means we will have to decide what is being moved to the new building and auction or trash the things that are being replaced.  The General Manager came in today to let my office know that this job will go much easier if we don't wait until the last minute and if we reduce the unnecessary things now.  He stared at me a whole lot through this conversation and repeated himself to try to drive home the point.  He knows me very well...

After this meeting, I got to looking around and deciding what would need to be boxed up and what we could shred and what just needed to go in the trash.  I took this picture as a small sample of why I REALLY should get started now...

There is a plastic chicken, a glow-in-the-dark alien, a bottle of gems, three shot glasses, a cupcake topper and a bottle of bubbles stuck between some of my personal mail. I've only mentioned the unnecessary things, where do I even come up with this stuff?!?  I also have a Rolodex, a paperclip holder and many random cards that should probably be in the Rolodex.  This is just the top of my monitor stand so I'm sure you can imagine what the rest of my desk looks like!  I don't even know what lives in the drawers other than the few things I access regularly.  And all this is just my desk!  I also have a storage closet and many, many storage cabinets that will need to be cleaned out.  I should have started this in the spring when they started construction on our new building!

Now I will be cleaning and organizing the office while cleaning and organizing the house preparing for babies.  I sure hope this nesting mentality kicks in soon!  Anyone have any tips or tricks to keep me from becoming overwhelmed?  I'm happy to hear them!

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