Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Is that subscription worth it: Dollar Shave Club

Hello Friends!  I'm back today with another product review!  Today I want to talk about Dollar Shave Club.  I know you probably couldn't tell by looking at him, but the Hubs is sensitive, well his skin is anyway.  He could only use certain razors and they were NOT the inexpensive ones.  He was pretty skeptical when I told him I was ordering razors online for him to try, but these were a success!

The way it works:

In your first box, you get a cartridge of blades and a handle to attach them to.  Each subsequent month, you just get the cartridge of blades and you can always add additional handles for a small fee if you need them.  There are three different levels of razors:  The Humble Twin, "A lightweight razor with a shallow pivot head for blade contouring. Comes with 5 refill cartridges per month" for $1/month; The 4x, "A more advanced razor with a wide open back for a fast, easy rinse. Comes with 4 refill cartridges per month" for $6/month; and The Executive, "Our best razor. Includes a trimmer edge for hard to reach places. Comes with 4 refill cartridges per month" for only $9/month.  Folks, this is a great deal for some good quality razors.  I was so impressed with the razors, I started using them myself.

The company also offers a line of shave and shower products for the menfolk.    I recently ordered a body wash from the Wander collection for the Hubs and it smells amazing.  He also uses the Post Shave Cream and says it works very well.  We have been members of the Dollar Shave Club for quite some time now and have NO intention of turning back.  The nice folks of Dollar Shave Club sent me an email recently with a code I could share with a friend to get their first month free.  Aren't you glad you are my friend?  Use any of the links in this email and the copy and paste the code at the check out and you, my friends, are on your way to your first month free!  Are you ready for the code?  Here goes:


As with all my product reviews so far, I'm not getting paid for my opinion and my opinion is all mine.  If you use the links, I will earn credit for free products, so I'm thrilled when someone uses my links.  I hope my reviews will help you to find some new favorite products.  If you have tried any of the products I have reviewed, please comment and let me know what you think!  Even if we don't agree, I'm open minded, I want to hear what you think too!  


Tell me what you think: