Thursday, August 20, 2015

Challenge Your Shelf Reading Challenge

I really like when a reading list is handed to me and I don't really have to make a decision on what book to read next.  I joined a book club this month for this very reason!  In the book club, we are reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I probably would not have read this book if it hadn't been assigned to me because I wasn't impressed with the movie, but I'm reading it now and not hating it. I'll post a full review when I've finished.

I got an email from Penguin Random House offering up a Summer Reading Challenge.  Somehow I didn't actually see this challenge until the last half of August so summer is nearly over. It is a list that someone else put together for me to choose from and it's not full of YA or witches or vampires or zombies, so I'll try it.  I was especially encouraged when I found that I had already read two of the books on the list over the summer!  The website encourages you to post your challenge progress using #challengeyourshelf, so here is one of my rare attempts to use a hashtag!  Usually I'm not cool enough for hashtags, but this is one I could really get into!  Print the list from their website and get to crossing off the ones you've read.  In the comments, tell me about the ones you have read or are excited to start reading.

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