Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
So I know lately all I've been writing is a few book reviews. I'm sure those are lame, but that's what I've been doing lately. I figured out that audiobooks aren't just for the blind or for old people, they are actually very convenient for everyone. I haven't been doing much fitness related stuff lately, just reading some fitness related books and stories. I haven't finished any of those so that I could review them much less followed any of the advice in them. I haven't cooked much of anything lately either, fast, frozen convenience foods. Not healthy, not interesting. I've gotten really lame lately, no wonder I haven't blogged anything about my life in a while!
It's probably time for me to start being less lame. Remember when I got my
heavy bag and was going to use it every day? I did use it a bunch then, but then I stopped and step-dad took his garage back so now I can't even get to it. Can't blame him, we weren't using the garage anymore, he may as well. I bought and assembled a bag stand to put in the man cave. This way I can hit the bag in the mornings before the day even starts. I'm excited about this, should be good for me physically, emotionally and psychologically to get a good beating in first thing in the morning. Wish me luck, ask me about how things are going when you see me, you know I'm terrible about sticking with stuff and being accountable.

The nice folks at Everlast sent all the bolts and nuts and washers and allen wrench and everything one would need to assemble this stand except the hammer. Oh, you say it doesn't require a hammer to assemble some metal tubing? It probably doesn't if one of the brackets isn't bent... I didn't want to have to put this all back in the box and drag it back to the store to try to switch it out for one that wasn't bent, so I used the hammer. It worked, now I just have to hang the bag on it.
Check out the pears growing on the pear trees at our place! I don't know anything about growing or harvesting pears. I'm glad these were established when we bought the place and I only have to pick and eat them. If you have advice on growing pears, I'd be happy to hear it. Do you know what kind of pears I'm growing here?